A Table of Phytoremediating Elements: A Recipe for Mutual Restoration, Recipe Box, Chicago Artists Coalition, curated by Fabiola Tosi, 2021.
Naming Rights, object/item/material/me Anna’s, Chicago IL, 2019.
Agnes Denes y el Imaginario Sobre la Esfera Terrestre, Arte y natureza, MUNTREF (Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero), 2019.
The god’s-eye view, Hole Black Hole Catalog: access to holes, Flatland, Chicago, 2019.
Agnes Denes and the Global Imaginary (2018)
A Program for Plants: In Conversation, Coda, with Giovanni Aloi, Linda Tegg and Brian M. John, Why Look at Plants?, Dr. Giovanni Aloi, ed., from the Critical Plant Series by Michael Marder, ed. (Leiden, Netherlands, Brill Press), 2018.
The Illustrated Herbal, Why Look at Plants?, Dr. Giovanni Aloi, ed., from the Critical Plant Series by Michael Marder, ed. (Leiden, Netherlands, Brill Press), 2018.